Death is the most definitive event in front of us and a window into the soul’s journey into a higher and more beautiful world. In Islamic culture, the dead are valued and respected as living people, and when a Muslim dies, besides the need to understand and recall Hereafter, special rituals must be observed to commemorate her/him. These rituals begin with the laying of the dying person towards Qiblah, and the incarnation of fundamental beliefs such as the phrase “La Allah Allah” and continues with bathing(Ghusl), shrouding, funeral, and prayer. Observance of the commandments and performing special duties during the burial of the deceased are other Islamic rituals of honoring the dead. Memorials, recitation of the Qur’an and prayers, and charity are also good traditions many Muslims do when losing loved ones.
The Bucharest Islamic Center recognizes its duty to provide sympathy for the survivors of eternal travelers, providing the services needed for their burial and commemoration.
Applicants can send their application through WhatsApp or Telegram
to +40734101111. the necessary coordination for the time and manner of holding the ceremony will be done in the same way.
Contact us for more information.