May 29, 2020


Given the pivotal role of the family in society, the Islamic heavenly ritual has always emphasized the maintenance and stability of marital bonds and invites couples to mutual understanding and strive for solving family tensions and disparages them. The Holy Qur’an urges men and women who are on the verge of separation to forgive each other. Surely blessings of Allah will encompass them. Quran also recommends ways such as mediation of the elders to avoid breaking this sacred bond and to prevent the collapse of the family. However, in Islamic law, divorce is considered to be the most indecent law and the last resort for separation, where it is not possible to continue living together, maintaining mutual respect for the rights and interests of both parties.

In addition to declaring its readiness to provide counseling and mediation services to resolve family problems in order to prevent this separation, the Islamic Center of Bucharest also provides applicants with services related to the implementation of a divorce and the issuance of a religious certificate.

How to Get The Service

Applicants can send their application along with the announced information and documents via WhatsApp  or Telegram  to +40734101111. After reviewing the documents, the necessary coordination for the time and manner of holding the divorce ceremony will be done in the same way.

Required documents for divorce at the Imam Ali (AS) Foundation in Bucharest:
1- All the pages of the couple’s birth certificates;
2- Legal divorce document (registered in the municipality);
3- Residence and validity pages of the passport;
4- Identification documents of two witnesses who must be present at the divorce ceremony.


Contact us for more information.