May 29, 2020


There are many programs in the Islamic school of education for the cultivation of a faithful and ethical human being. Some of these programs just start with birth, and some begin even before. Fathers and mothers who care about their children’s future and recognize their responsibility for the spiritual aspects of the next generation, together with respecting the cultural and religious values, strive to provide religious education for their children.

Practices such as

  • Reading the adhan and praying in the baby’s ear
  • Taḥnīk (تَحْنِيكِ) which is an Islamic ceremony of touching the lips of a newborn baby with honey, sweet juice, or pressed dates. Originally the date was softened and rubbed on the infant’s palate
  • Praying for the newborn, choosing a decent name, worshiping the believer
  • Circumcising the boys, shaving his head
  • Giving alms equal to the weight of the baby

are the recommendations that act on the health of the body and soul of children and the disposal of the disaster.

The Islamic Center of Bucharest wishes your children well-being and prosperity. We are also ready to accompany with interested families in the conducting of such rituals and provide them with services related to the birth of their infants.

Applicants can send their application through WhatsApp  or Telegram  to +40734101111. the necessary coordination for the time and manner of holding the ceremony will be done in the same way.


Contact us for more information.