Prayer times and Qibla direction in all parts of the world

Without the need to install software, you can easily see the prayer times and Qibla direction of that place on your mobile anywhere in the world.

As a new service, the Information Technology Department of the Imam Ali Foundation (peace be upon him) in Bucharest has provided the possibility of viewing Sharia and Qibla times based on location in the mobile browser environment:


On this page, you can view the prayer times and Qibla direction of that location after allowing access to the location.

The prayer times on this page have been calculated and presented based on the views of reliable centers of Islamic religions, and it is possible to select and view any of them.

To see the direction of the Qiblah, just rotate your mobile phone parallel to the ground so that the image of the Kaaba appears in the exact direction of the Qiblah.