Lesson 19: Purification (Tahaarat) – Part 3

Nullification of Wuzu

Certain actions nullify wuzu. On the occurrence of any of the following actions, wuzu is nullified and will have to be performed again if one wishes to pray namaaz.

Passing of gas

Passing of gas nullifies wuzu. If one passes gas while performing namaaz, wuzu is nullified, thereby nullifying namaaz. Wuzu and namaaz both will have to be performed once again.

Passing of urine and stool

Passing of urine and stool nullifies wuzu. Therefore, if urine/stool is passed, wuzu and namaaz will have to be performed again.


Sleep also nullifies wuzu. But that sleep nullifies wuzu after which one can neither see nor hear anything.

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