All things are considered to be pure (paak) unless we have evidence to prove its najaasat. When we are sure about its najaasat then it is obligatory to make it paak before we wish to use it.
Water is that bounty of Allah which can purify almost everything. Water itself is paak and also makes other things paak.
Water is among Allah’s greatest bounties to man. Water is one of the most important parts of life of everything. We must value this invaluable bounty and should not waste it. Very often we tend to waste this precious bounty. For example, while washing up, we waste a lot of water – we talk while the water continues to flow in the wash basin and we don’t seem to care. Even while brushing the teeth and performing wuzu we waste a lot of water. If we pay attention we will find that we waste more water than we use, due to which many people are deprived of water. If we use water as per our needs, then a lot of other people can avail of water. Therefore, we must never waste water, which is a precious bounty gifted by Allah to mankind.
At night it is mustahab to drink water while sitting.
We must drink water slowly, and not in haste. We must not waste the excess water.
While drinking water we must remember the thirst of Imam Hussain (a.s.) and curse his killers.
Next: Purification (Tahaarat) – Part 2
Previous: Impurities (Najaasaat)