When we wake up in the morning, we see our parents, our brothers and other members of our household. When we leave our house for school in the morning, we meet some of our friends on the way. We meet our neighbours and also meet some elderly people. Then what should we do when we see all these people? We must say ‘Salaam’ to them. Islamic way of greeting a believer is to shake hands with them. There is much reward (thawaab) in shaking hands with a believing brother. Abu Ubaydah says that: once I travelled along with Imam Sadiq (a.s.). We stopped at a place for rest. When Imam (a.s.) returned after resting, he came to shake my hand. Then he said,
“When believers shake hands, sins will begin to fall from them like leaves fall from a tree in autumn.”
The reward of shaking hands with your brothers, friends and neighbours is that the sins of both the people shaking each others’ hands will be forgiven.
We should try to greet our friends, smile at them and shake their hands every time we meet them. Allah becomes happy for a person who meets others with a smile, salaam and handshake. The
traditions from our sixth Imam (a.s.) says that when the person who loves his brother, sits with him and shakes his hand, Allah will cover them both with blessings.
The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) never removed his hands first when shaking hands. The person who does not remove his hand first while shaking hands gets more reward than the one who releases the hold earlier.
We should meet others with a smile, greet them nicely and shake their hands.
Next: Purity (tahaarat)
Previous: Maintaining Relations (sila-e-rahem) (Good behaviour with relatives)