Lesson 12: Lies

Today the class was supposed to go for picnic. Consequently, the atmosphere in the class was very different and everyone was happy. All the students were waiting eagerly for the teacher’s arrival. The teacher was supposed to reveal the programmes arranged in the picnic. By some coincidence, even the monitor had not turned up. Khalid grabbed this opportunity to assume the role of the monitor. He stood behind the teacher’s desk and announced, ‘Today, I am the monitor. When I tell you rise, you all stand up in respect for the teacher. If anyone creates the slightest of mischief, that student will not go to the picnic.

All the students became silent and waited for the teacher’s arrival. Suddenly, Khalid shouted, ‘Everyone stand up!’

All the students rose immediately. However, instead of the teacher, one student entered the class who had arrived late. Khalid laughed and said, ‘I was only joking.’ The students did not like Khalid’s prank.

Again the students settled down and waited patiently for the teacher’s arrival. Seeing towards the door, Khalid ordered, ‘Stand up!’ Everyone stood up. But once again another student entered

the door.

The students were very upset with Khalid’s behaviour. Moreover, he ridiculed them further by laughing at them. Finally Khalid said, ‘All of you remain here while I inquire about our teacher’s whereabouts and find out the programme for today’s picnic.’

After some time Khalid returned. He seemed depressed. His face wore a very dejected expression. He announced in the class, ‘Friends! There is bad news!’ Everyone got attentive. He continued, ‘Apparently today’s picnic has been cancelled. We will go for the picnic some other time.’

This news came as a complete shock to the students. They were very disappointed. The class became noisy and everyone started giving his views on this development.

Suddenly, Khalid tidied his shirt and said seriously, ‘Everyone rise! Teacher is coming to the class.’

However, this time nobody stood up in respect of the teacher, assuming that Khalid must be lying again.

However, this time when the door opened, it was the teacher who actually walked in. Apparently, he had been standing quietly behind the door and had overheard everything including Khalid’s lies. The teacher turned towards Khalid and scolded him, ‘Who told you that the picnic was cancelled? Why did you lie to everyone?’ Khalid was ashamed and could not reply.

Then the teacher turned towards the class and announced, ‘Children, proceed to the ground and line up. The bus is waiting

for us, we will proceed to the picnic’ All the children were excited. They formed a queue and began entering the bus. When Khalid was about to enter the bus, the teacher stopped him and said, ‘I cannot allow you to enter the bus, as you will not be joining us for the picnic. You have lied.’ Khalid started weeping and apologized profusely to his teacher.

The teacher said, ‘If the other students allow you to come, you can join.’ The children unanimously said, ‘Khalid lied to us and humiliated us. We do not want him to accompany us at the picnic.’

All the children went to the picnic and Khalid kept standing very dejected. By telling lies, Khalid lost his respect and could not go to the picnic.

Children, this was the punishment of this world. But Allah has ordained a severe punishment for lying in the hereafter.

The Prophet (s.a.w.a.) said, ‘A true muslim with true faith never resorts to lies.’

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