A person by the name Kaashaani arrived in the city of Holy Najaf with his friends. On account of the extreme illness and weakness both his feet were in poor condition and he was unable to walk. Looking at his condition his friends entrusted him to a righteous person and proceeded for Hajj.
Everyday his caretaker used to put him in a room, lock it and leave in search of sustenance, while Kaashaani used to be all alone in the room. One day Kaashaani requested the caretaker that he was weary of
staying in the same room and wanted to go out. He said that he does not want to stay any longer in the room. He asked the caretaker to take him out of the room and leave the rest to Allah.
The caretaker put him on his shoulders and took him to a place called “Maqaame Qaim” (a.t.f.s.). He made Kaashaani sit on a chair, washed his clothes, put them on a branch of a tree and as per his routine went to the desert.
As Kashaani sat there he reflected on his condition and loneliness, which saddened his heart. Meanwhile a handsome youth with a fragrant body entered the place known as Maqaame Qaim (a.t.f.s.),
stood there and recited few units (rak’ats) of prayer with great devotion and sincerity. After praying he came to Kaashaani and asked about his condition. Kaashaani said that he has been involved in great difficulties for long time. Allah, glory be to Him, is neither curing my disease so that I become healthy nor is He causing me to die so that I am relieved of my problems.
On hearing this the person said: “Don’t worry, Allah will grant both of these to you. You shall be cured from this disease and shall also meet death after that”. After he left the clothes which were put on the tree by the caretaker fell down. Thinking that the clothes would become Najis, Kaashaani quickly picked up the clothes, washed them and put them on the branch of a tree and went back to his place.
He suddenly realized that till some time before he could not stand on his feet and now he did all this without any problem. When he looked carefully at his self he found no traces of disease and weakness. He understood that the youth was none other than Imam Mahdi (a.t.f.s.). He immediately got up from his place and started searching Imam (a.t.f.s.), but could not find him. He was very sad and angry and returned to his place. In the mean while the caretaker also returned and was surprised to see Kaashaani’s condition. He asked him what happened ad Kashaani narrated the entire incident. The caretaker was very sad for himself and Kaashaani as they did not recognise Imam Mahdi (a.t.f.s.). Kaashaani then returned to Najaf.
The scholars and reliable people of Najaf narrated that Kaashaani was healthy and sound till his friends returned from Hajj. He met them and they were happy at his quick recovery.
Kashaani lived for some days and died after falling ill as Imam Mahdi (a.t.f.s.) had foretold. He is buried at the same place.
1) Imam Mahdi (a.t.f.s.) is granted the knowledge of the unseen.
2) Worship is liked by Imam (a.t.f.s.).
3) Imam (a.t.f.s.) is concerned about the Shias and solves their difficulties.
Next: Incident of Pomegranate
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