In these difficult times, when some of our compatriots are facing more difficulties and the closure of works and the closure of roads have put them in a difficult situation, our human duty dictates that we help as much as we can.
Therefore, the Islamic Center of Bucharest intends to put two measures on its agenda by collecting your financial aid, dear ones:
1. Preparing packages of essential needs for delivery to respectable drivers who have been stranded on the Romanian-Bulgarian border for some time due to road closures.
2- Providing essential needs on a weekly basis (until the current problems are solved) for some Iranian families who are in dire straits due to unemployment and lack of income.
We hope that with your help, the dignitaries, these problems will be solved as soon as possible and the necessary assistance will be provided to these loved ones. In this way, the report will be made public.
Please make the necessary arrangements to deliver your donations by sending a message to the @hamidhosseiniii in Telegram or by calling 0790392355.