Lesson 53: Need Of Friends

There is no one in the world that does not need friends. The more friends we have the more successful our lives will be. A learned man has said, “One who thinks that he does not need friends is like the simpleton who tells the sun that he does not care whether it rises or sets”.

It should also be remembered that it is necessary to be careful in the selection of friends. Making more friends does not mean that we should have firm relations with anyone and everyone. If we befriend unmannerly and lazy people, their bad habits will gradually affect us and we shall become lazy and worthless like them. This will make us lose our esteem in the eyes of others.

There is a well-known proverb: “A man is known by the company he keeps”. We should, therefore, befriend those people who are good mannered, pious and hardworking. Islam says that two companions should act as preachers for each other and each one of them should point out the short comings of the other. So by associating with such people we shall overcome our weaknesses and advance on the path of progress.

It should also not be forgotten that making friends is not sufficient,

but it is also necessary to retain the friendship. This would be possible only when we behave with them properly and sincerely. Imam Ali (a.s.) said:

“A man who has no friends is very poor. And poorer than him, is he who cannot retain the friendship and loses his friends”.

A man is known by the company he keeps


  1. Why do we need friends?
  2. What type of people should we befriend?

3. How should we treat our friends and why?

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