Lesson 47: The Programme Of A Muslim Family

When Masood and other members of the family return home, they take care to perform their prayer at the appropriate time. They consider it necessary, before everything else, to present themselves before Almighty Allah, and seek His blessings and forgiveness. When they have offered their prayer they have their meals. Thereafter, they rest for some time. When their rest is over, Masood’s father and brother return to their work and Masood and his sister busy themselves with their books. They revise their lessons and do their home-work. If they do not understand some lesson they seek their mother’s help. After completing their studies they play for some time with their friends.

Masood’s father and brother return from their work before evening. After sunset, all the members of the family perform their prayer. They always remember Allah and consider it necessary to offer their prayer at the appropriate time.

When all have offered their prayer, Masood’s mother serves dinner. The entire family has the meal with great pleasure and relish. All of them, whether old or young, specially observe the table manners. The children invariably present every dish in the first instance to their elders. When the hunger for one or two

morsels is still left, they finish their meals. They know that according to the hadith of the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) observance of this practice keeps one healthy. After having their meal all of them thank Allah and then wash their hands and mouth with water.

After having their meal they discuss various matters for some time. Then they prepare to go to sleep. They go to bed early so that they may get up early in the morning.

This family leads a very happy, peaceful, disciplined and active life. The main source of this peace and prosperity is their firm faith in Allah and their observance of the commandments of Islam. They have moulded their lives according to a specific programme. They, therefore, experience no difficulty in the performance of their duties and carry out all their jobs in a disciplined manner. They always try to do good deeds and never forget Allah. In this lies the secret of their successful lives.

Discipline and faith ensure a prosperous life.

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