Lesson 46: The Daily Programme of A Muslim

The schools of Masood and Zahra are quite close to each other. Both of them, therefore, leave home together. They are very good mannered children and cover the distance in a well disciplined manner. They always walk on footpath as and when it is necessary to cross the road, they observe the traffic rules. If they meet any elderly person or a relative on the way they wish him respectfully. They treat their classmates with love and affection. Both of them learn their lessons very carefully and are very respectful to their teachers.

Masood’s father is employed in a firm situated in the business area. He leaves his house in the morning reciting the name of Allah, and reaches his business counter on time. He attends to his work very honestly and carefully and is very polite to the customers. It is due to this quality of his that one sees a queue of customers at his counter, which results in a handsome profit to the firm.

Masood has an elder brother also who works in an office. He, too, leaves home at sunrise reciting the Name of Allah and works hard throughout the day. He does not believe in availing of leave without real need. All his colleagues and officers praise him for his

punctuality, honesty and hard work.

Masood’s mother is responsible for looking after the younger children and the household affairs. She is a very skilful woman. She cooks the meals and cleanses the house. Their house is always neat and tidy.

There are still some jobs in the house for which Masood’s mother cannot spare time. In carrying out such jobs, she is helped by other members of the family as and when they return from their work or school. Thus all the affairs of the household are looked after properly and in a cheerful manner.

A well managed household is a paradise on earth.

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