Lesson 42: Cleanliness And Purity

The Holy Prophet of Islam (s.a.w.a.) is reported to have said that

cleanliness is a part of faith.

Islam has laid stress on cleanliness of utensils, clothing, body, hair, teeth, drinking water, water used for ablution and bathing, dwelling places, streets, public places, food and every other thing in human use. A number of the sayings of the Prophet and the Imams ascribe to the devil everything which is loathsome or causes a disease (e.g. microbes), and describe all such things as a cause of poverty and misery.

Cleaning the Teeth:

 The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) has been reported to have said: “Jibrael” insisted so much about brushing the teeth that I hought that it will become obligatory on my followers.

 The toothbrush should be used vertically on the teeth and after brushing the teeth one should rinse the mouth with water. (It is exactly the same thing which the dentists recommend nowadays)

 It is recommended that the teeth should be brushed before offering prayers.

 According to Imam Ja’far Sadiq, peace be on him, there are twelve advantages of cleaning the teeth (miswaq):

(1) It is the conduct (Sunnah) of the Prophets

(2) Causes Allah’s goodwill

(3) Cleans the mouth

(4) Increases brightness of eyes

(5) Takes out sputum

(6) Increases memory

(7) Teeth are whitened

(8) The rewards of goods deeds increases many-folds

(9) Stops weakness and falling of teeth

(10) Strengthens roots of the teeth

(11) Angels are happy with all those who brush their teeth

(12) Increases the appetite in healthy manner

 According to the Holy Prophet there are three things which sharpens your memory power and cures all pains:

1) Chewing Frankincense or olibanum (Arabic language: لُبَّان lubbān)

2) Brushing the teeth

3) Reciting the Holy Quran.

 Another tradition quotes the Holy Prophet as saying that 2

rak’at prayers after brushing the teeth is better than 70

rak’at prayers without it.

Trimming the Hair:

 Shorten the hair of your head when they become long. When you wish to get your hair cut, sit facing the Qibla and recite the following supplication in the beginning:

بِسْمِ اللهِ وَ بِاللهِ وَ عَلٰي مِلَّتِ رَسُوْلِ اللهِ صلى الله عليه وسلم. اَللّٰهُمَّ آتِنِيْ بِكُلِّ شَعْرَةٍ نُوْرًا يَوْمَ الْقِيَامَة

 “I commence this task with the name of Allah and seek help for its accomplishment and I am doing this task according to the religious law of Allah’s Prophet. O Lord! For every hair of mine give me a light on the Day of Judgment”

And when you are through with this task say:

اَللّٰهُمَّ زَيِّنِيْ بِالتَّقْوٰي وَ جَنِّبْنِيْ الرَّدٰي

 “O Lord! Adorn me with piety and save me from destruction.”

 One of the following two things is recommended for the people; either they should cut the hair of their head (and this is better) or they should let these hair grow, nourish them, wash them and comb them and should part them in such a way that the crown of the head should become visible.

Keeping the Beard

 Let the beard be moderate – neither too long nor too short. It is abominable that it should be of more than a fist’s length and there is a possibility of its being unlawful.

 It is well known from the scholars (Mujtahids) that it is unlawful to shave the beard.

Cutting the Nails:

 Cutting the nails trimming the moustache and plucking the hair in the nose every Friday is preferable.

 Cutting the nails is an emphatic sunnah.

The best time for cutting the nails is Friday.

 The hair, the nails and the blood which have been separated from the body should be buried in the ground.


 Combing the hair of one’s head and beard carries many virtues.

Applying Scents, Perfume and Oil:

 It is stated from Imam Ja’far Sadiq (a.s.) that sweet scents increase the strength of heart and virility.

 According to Imam Ja’far Sadiq (a.s.) perfume implies musk, umber, saffron and ‘ud.

 According to Imam Ali (a.s.) application of oil makes the body more attractive, strengthens brain and refreshes it, it opens the pores, cures dryness and hardness of skin and makes the face piously attractive.

 Using scent and perfume is one of the pleasing manners of the Prophets (a.s.)

 Using perfume on Friday has been recommended very emphatically.

 When a perfume is brought for you, you should accept it and should not refuse it.


 To take bath is recommended. It is undesirable to bathe in hammam (Public bath-house, of hot air steam, followed by a shower and massage) everyday, but it is good to take every other day.

 Taking bath under the sky without covering the lower part of the body and entering the streams (or canals) while one is naked has been prohibited.

 Do not enter hammam while your stomach is full. Similarly do not enter the bathroom when you are hungry but eat a little before going.

 Wash your feet with cold water when you come out of hammam.

Recite the following supplication when you enter the bathroom:

اَللّٰهُمَّ اَذْهِبْ عَنِّيْ الرِّجْسَ وَ النَّجَسَ وَ طَهِّرْ جَسَدِيْ وَ قَلْبِيْ .

 “O Lord! Rub off impurity from me and purify my body and heart.”

 While you are in hammam do not lie on your back or on your side and do not use comb or toothbrush.

 Washing of one’s head and cloth has been emphasized.

 Clean your body of the bad odour which inconveniences the people. Allah hates those persons who are dirty and the people are inconvenienced on account of their bad odour.

 It is proper that Friday bath should not be abandoned from Friday morning till noon and the nearer to noon is better.

Friday bath can be taken also after noon till evening with the intention of lapsed (qaza) bath. The Friday bath can also be taken on Saturday from morning till evening with the intention of lapsed bath.

 Recommended baths have been narrated for the following days:

(i) During the odd nights of the month of Ramadhanespecially the 1st 15th 17th 19th 21st and 23rd night;

(ii) The night of ‘Idul Fitr and the day of Idul Qurban

(iii)The 8th day of Zil Hajj

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