Lesson 39: Dress And Dressing

How To Wear And Take Off Dresses:

The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) has declared:

“It does not befit a man to stay naked at any time of the day or night”

Imam Ali (a.s.) has said:

“When a man is naked he is easily tempted and this is what the Satan wants in order to lead him astray. When one sits among people it is undesirable to change clothing of the private part, for this shows lack of manners. When you take off your clothes say ‘Bismillah’.”

Imam Musa Kazim (a.s.) was asked as to what he thought about one who has many clothes, he replied that even if he had twenty pairs of clothes, they are not considered as luxury provided that he uses all of them.

Imam Ali (a.s.) has stated,

“Clean clothes remove sorrow and cause one’s prayers to be acceptable for the cleanliness”.

Imam Ja’far Sadiq (a.s.) has said:

 “A man is saved from becoming proud if he puts patches

in his clothes, mends his shoes, and carries the food stuff for home consumption himself.”

Neatness and Dressing:

It is necessary upon everyone to dress neatly and well according to his means. If he has limited means he should not be pre-occupied in pursuing neatness beyond his lawful means, because it will spoil his worship.

If Allah has given you the means, then use it in dressing well and neatly. It is not a sign of piety to put on torn and dirty clothes if you have the means.

Allah is happy with the people that show His blessings by dressing well according to their means.

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