Lesson 35: Etiquette of Fasting

One of the great acts of worship in Islam is observing sawm (fasting). Allah loves those who observe sawm, and bestows on them a good reward.

Observing sawm means abstaining from eating, drinking, and some other things. In the month of Ramadan, Muslims observe sawm everyday from the morning until the sunset, when they eat again. After the sawm each day, the first meal that we eat in the evening is called iftar.

When observing sawm we must first of all have niyyah (intention). This means that we decide to observe sawm in obedience to the command of Allah.

Allah has made observing the sawm a wajib act for Muslims so that:

 We remember Allah.

 We know ourselves better.

 We become more able to control our desires.

 We remember the Hereafter. We get ready to do good deeds.

 We store righteous acts for our future life.

 We gain experience of hunger and thirst and so remember

the poor and sympathize with them and help them. We become healthier.

We may move ahead towards our desired goal of


Imam Ja’far al-Sadiq (a.s.) has said:

“A person who merely abstains from eating and drinking will not always be counted as one who is observing sawm.”

This means that when you observe sawm, your ears, eyes, tongue, etc. must also be observing sawm and must not perform and must commit no sin. Only then will your sawm be accepted by the Almighty Allah.

When you are observing sawm you must behave better than on other days. You must keep your tongue from idle and useless speech. Don’t tell lies. Don’t make fun of anyone. Don’t quarrel and argue. Don’t give way to jealousy. Abstain from speaking ill of others and from fault-finding. Be more kind than usual to people and make their life comfortable.

 For young men and women who are baligh (mature), it is wajib to observe sawm during the month of Ramadan, unless it is harmful for them.

 Children eat a little with their families shortly before the sawm begins, and then don’t eat anything until noon, or until as long as they can. In this way they share in the rewards of the sawm with the rest of their family-members.

 People who eat when they are supposed to observe sawm, commit a sin. They must observe the sawm for the number of days they have not observed the sawm without any proper Islamic reason; and additionally they must also observe sawm for 60 days or feed 60 poor people for each ay on which they broke their sawm.

 Entertaining a guest for iftar is one of the best deeds to perform in the month of Ramadan, the Prophet (s.a.w.a.) has told us: “Whoever invites a person observing sawm for iftar, his sins will be forgiven and the Almighty Allah would bestow on him goodness and blessings.”

Some of the Prophet’s (s.a.w.a.) Companions used to say: “O Messenger of Allah, we all are not able to do this” and the Prophet (s.a.w.a.) would reply: “If not, then feed a person observing sawm even half a date, or offer him a glass of water.”


1) What is the aim in observing the sawm?

2) What must be our niyyah when we wish to observe sawm?

3) For what kind of deeds do we get ready by observing sawm?

4) Why does observing the sawm make us think about the poor and the hungry? What does it make us do?

5) What things must we abstain from to observe the sawm properly?

6) If a person breaks his sawm without any Islamic reason, or doesn’t observe sawm when he is supposed to, how does he make up for this major sin?

7) How does observing the sawm free us of our bad desires?

8) In what season does the month of Ramadan fall this year? How old will you be then? Is the sawm wajib for you? For who many days have you already observed the sawm? Did you control your behaviour to perfect your sawm?

Next: Cleanliness and Environmental Sanitation


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