Lesson 16: Impurities (Najaasaat)

In Islam certain things are considered to be impure (najis). We have been commanded to keep away from these impure things. We must keep all our useful things from such najaasaat. Mentioned below are a few of these najaasaat:


Urine is impure (najis) among the najaasaat. After urinating, it is obligatory to purify the place of urination with water. If the urine falls on our body, clothes, or some vessel, it is obligatory to purify it. Else it will be najis.


Stool is also najis. It must be purified with water just like urine.


Blood is najis. It must be purified with water


Corpse of a human as well as some animal is considered najis. However, dead fish is not najis.

Dog and Pig

Dogs and Pigs are najis. One must keep away from them. If their body comes in contact with our body/clothes and they are wet, the person coming in contact with them will also become najis. Then it is necessary to purify the point of contact.

We cannot consume najis things. It is strictly forbidden to eat najis food or drink najis water/beverages.

We can not pray namaaz with najis clothes. Our bodies too must not be najis.

We must keep ourselves pure from impurities at all times.

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