Islam lays a lot of emphasis on cleanliness and purity (tahaarat). In fact, cleanliness and purity are considered as a part of faith (eemaan) in a tradition.
We can find in traditions that our beloved Prophet (s.a.w.a.) used to himself sweep the house.
It has been commanded that we keep our houses clean from all dirt, dust, cobwebs, etc.
It is emphasised that we must wash our hands before and after meals.
It is obligatory to perform wuzu before namaaz
It is recommended to have hair-cut regularly.
It is emphasised to apply scent (itr).
We see that cleanliness has been emphasised at every stage. Especially in namaaz it is necessary that our clothes are pure and clean. This is because in namaaz we stand in Allah’s presence, and it is necessary that we present ourselves before Allah in the best possible manner.
We must keep our houses, lanes and neighborhood clean. It is not
good to dispose off the dirt and garbage and dirty water that accumulates in our houses in our neighborhood. This makes our surrounding dirty and polluted. We should not unnecessarily spoil our books by scribbling on them. All these are the signs of a good Muslim.
We must always remember that we are lovers of Ahle Bayt (a.s.), for whom Allah revealed ‘Ayate Tatheer’. Then we must try to be like the Ahle Bayt (a.s.) and keep ourselves clean and pure, both from the inside as well as outside.
In order to be clean and pure, it is necessary that we keep our bodies and clothes away from dirt and filth. We should trim the nails of our hands and feet regularly, and not let them grow. If we don’t trim our nails, then a lot of dirt accumulates under them. If our bodies and nails are not clean, then this dirt may soil our clothes. Allah does not like dirt and filth.
Our beloved Prophet (s.a.w.a.) used to bathe, wash his (s.a.w.a.) hair, apply oil and comb the hair. He (s.a.w.a.) used to wear clean clothes and apply scent (itr).
That is why even we must keep our bodies, houses, clothes, schools, books and notebooks clean.
Allah, His Prophet (s.a.w.a.) and the people love those who are clean and tidy and others too like them.
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