Man’s worth can be gauged from his knowledge and morals (akhlaq), and both these things are gifted to us by our teacher(s). Surely, if it were not for the teacher we would have remained most ignorant and would have remained worthless. Today if we are to read and write a few things, it is only due to the teacher.
We have acquired various kinds of knowledge from different teachers. It is our duty to respect each one of them even if has taught us a few alphabets. But we must reserve maximum respect for that teacher who has enlightened us with the knowledge of Quran and religion since there is no book greater than the Noble Quran and there is no wealth more precious than Islam.
Our beloved Prophet (s.a.w.a.) stated, ‘I am the teacher for the people. I teach them religion.’
Hazrat Ali (a.s.) advised, ‘Stand up out of respect for your father and teacher.’
Imam Zainul Abedeen (a.s.) explains, ‘The teacher has some rights upon his students.
The student should respect his teacher excessively.
He should listen to his teacher with utmost attention. His eyes should always be focused on the teacher. He should be very attentive while learning the lesson. He should respect the teacher’s class.
To revere the teacher is our religious and ethical duty.
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