Lesson 17: Imam Mahdi (a.t.f.s.) and Allamah Bahrul Uloom (r.a.)

Allama Bahrul Uloom (r.a.) (1155-1212) is one of those scholars who had been favoured by Imam (a.s)’s audience more than once. All scholars have praised his piety and accepted his superiority in piety and knowledge. They have narrated his achievements in their writings. Muhaddith Qummi has recorded in his book ‘Rejaal’ eight meetings of Bahrul Uloom’s with the Imam of our age. One of such incidents is mentioned here when Imam (a.t.f.s.) made him sit near him and spoke to him in private…[1]

What a great achievement it is for a follower of wilayat (Imamiya) that he is able to reach a stage in piety when the Imam-e-Zamana (a.t.f.s.) embraces him.

One day the people saw Allama Bahrul Uloom in an unusual state. Standing before the mausoleum of Imam Ali (a.s.) instead of reciting the Ziyarat in an upbeat mood, his eyes were filled with tears when he recited the following lines: “How pleasant it is to hear the recitation of Quran in your lovely voice.”

Afterwards, when he was asked the reason for this, he said: “When I was about to enter the sanctuary of Amir-ul- Momineen (a.s.), I saw Hazrat Hujjat (a.t.f.s.) seated at the head of Imam Ali’s (a.s.) tomb reciting the Quran in a state of concentration. Upon seeing him I began to repeat those words. But when I entered the Mausoleum I found that Hazrat (a.t.f.s.) had finished the recitation and departed from there…[2]

When Allama was staying in Mecca he was away from his relatives and followers. But in spite of this he had not forsaken the welfare of the needy and the poor people, and the needs of the students.

One day his secretary told him that whatever cash was there is now finished and nothing now remains. He should now think seriously in this regard. Let us read the incident in the words of the assistant himself.

“The Sayed did not say anything in reply. It was his practice in Mecca to perform the tawaf in the morning then retire for some time alone in a room. I used to prepare a Huqqaah for him and he smoked it daily. Afterwards he used to go to another room to give lecture to his students. On this particular day the Sayed heard a voice from outside. He became tense and restless. He told me to hide the huqqaah while he himself assumed the posture of a humble servant. He rushed to the door and opened it.

A respectful Arab gentleman entered and then went to the private chamber of the Sayed and seated himself. The Sayed followed him and sat down near him in a humble manner.

For an hour or so they conversed between themselves and then the respectful personality arose to depart. The Sayed stood up too, and led him to the door; then he kissed his hands and helped him mount the camel that was waiting outside.

The guest departed and the Sayed returned. But the colour of his face had undergone a change. He gave me a promissory note, which was in his hand and said: “Take this note to such and such shop owner who is a money-changer at the Safa mountain and bring whatever he gives in lieu of it.

I took the promissory note and went to the moneychanger. He took the note and kissed it respectfully. Then he said: “Get some coolies.”

I brought four coolies. The money-changer loaded upon them as many money-bags as they could carry. Then we returned home.

One day I decided to go back to the money-changer and investigate the matter and also find out about the person who had given the promissory note. I could not find any shop at that place. I enquired from a person about the money-changer. He replied: “Such a money-changer has never been seen in this place.” Then I realized that this was one of the divine secrets and it was due to the favour and blessing of Hazrat Hujjat (a.t.f.s.).[3]


1) We should trust Imam Mahdi (a.t.f.s.) to solve our problems.

2) We should try our best to help the needy and deprived Shias.

3) We should recite the Holy Quran as much as possible.

Next: Seeking Permission to enter (Shaikh Murtaza Ansari (r.a.))

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Islamic Library: Introduction to Islam

[1] . Fawaedur Razavia, Pg. 679

[2] . Najmus Saaqib Incident no. 79, Jannatul Maawa Incident no.45

[3] . Najmus Saaqib Incident no. 76, Jannatul Maawa Incident 12, Fawaidur Razavia, Pg. 280