Allamah Shaikh Hasan Ibn Yusuf Ibn Ali Ibn Mutahhar (May Allah be satisfied with him) also known as Allamah Hilli (r.a.) {648-726 A.D} is one of the most remarkable personalities of the Shi’ite sect. He had no equal during his period and was the most outstanding Shia scholar. He has been specially blessed by the Imam Mahdi (a.t.f.s) with a special favour.
He acquired religious knowledge under the guidance of his father and uncle Muhaqqiq (r.a.) – the author of “Sharai-ul-Islam”. Khwaja Naseeruddin Tusi (r.a.), the great Shia scholar, was also one of his teachers. He attained Ijtehad at the age of 11 and taught many students.
Once in his childhood he was chased by his father for some reason. When his father was about to catch him he recited the verse of the Holy Quran on which prostration is necessary. On hearing the verse his father went into prostration while he did not since he was not baligh. His father again chased him and he did the same thing. His father became very happy at his trick, called his son near him and treated him with love and affection.
Allah bestowed such knowledge on him that in childhood itself he became a Mujtahid. He has written more then 70 books. His book ‘Tabseratul Mota’allemeen’ is so famous that 27 or 28 commentaries have been written on it.
Qazi Nurullah Shusatri (r.a.) narrates this incident in his book, “Majaalisal-Momineen”:
A person had written a book against Shiaism and used to quote from it in assemblies and thus managed to mislead quite a few people and created doubts regarding the Imamat faith.
He never lent anyone this book for the fear that it may fall into the hands of the Shias and they may write a rebuttal.
In order to obtain this book, Allama Hilli (r.a.) began to attend the sermons of this man and also introduced himself as his student. After having achieved his confidence he requested him to lend the book for some time.
Since it was difficult for him to refuse Allama Hilli (r.a.) he told him: “I have vowed that I will not give this book to anyone for more than a single night”.
As there was no way out, Allama Hilli (r.a.) accepted this condition. That night he began copying the book. He wanted to copy as much as possible so that he could refute the arguments of the book. Around midnight he could no longer resist the onslaught of sleep. At that time, a respectful guest arrived and after the pleasantries he told Allama Hilli (r.a.) to go to sleep and entrust him with the completion of the book.
Allama agreed to it without any questions. When he woke up after some time, he found that it was morning and there was no sign of his guest. Upon searching he found that the book had already been completed by his guest; and at the end of it something was written.
When he looked closely, he found that the following words had been added at the end: “Inscribed by the Hujjat.”[1]
1) We should always be proactive in defending our faith.
2) Imam (a.t.f.s.) will support us in our efforts.
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Islamic Library: Introduction to Islam
[1] . (Rawzatul Jannaat, vo1.2, pg.282, Jannatul Maawa incident no. 22, Najmus Saquib incident no. 15)