Lesson 12: Incident of Pomegranate

At the time when Bahrain was under the British rule, they appointed one Muslim as the governor with the intention that the city will be peaceful and progress under his rule. Both the governor and his minister were the enemies of Ahle Bait (a.s.). His minister was so intense in the enmity towards Ahle Bait (a.s.) that he troubled the believers of Ahle Bait (a.s.) and was always in search of a pretext to kill them.

One day the minister brought one pomegranate to the governor on which some words seem to be naturally inscribed which falsified the Shia belief in Imamate. The governor on seeing the pomegranate concluded that it was natural. He was very surprised and told his minister that it was a strong proof against the religion of Shias. The minister said that Shias are stubborn and don’t accept evidence easily. However, it is appropriate that we summon them and show them this pomegranate. If they leave their religion then you will be rewarded, otherwise you should ask them to adopt one of the three options:

Pay Jizya (tax paid by non-muslims in a Muslim state) and live in humiliation.

Provide satisfying answers to the evidence.

Or you should kill their men and take their children and women as captives and war booty.

The governor liked the suggestion and summoned the Shia scholars and other renowned personalities. When they gathered he placed the pomegranate before them and said:

“Either you provide satisfying answer to this or your men shall be killed, your woman and children shall be imprisoned and your wealth shall be confiscated. You shall pay Jizya like disbelievers and live in humiliation”. On hearing this the believers started trembling on their feet and did not know what to do. Some of them said that they should be given three days to provide an answer failing which the governor could do as he wished.

The governor acceded to their request and they returned in a state of fear. They held a meeting, exchanged thoughts and concluded that they should select ten pious people from Bahrain. After this three most pious people should be selected from them. They selected them and asked one of them to go to the desert, worship Allah and seek help from Imam Mahdi (a.t.f.s.).

He proceeded towards the desert and spent whole night in worship and sought help from Imam Mahdi (a.t.f.s.) but did not find any solution to the problem.

On the second night another pious person was sent to the desert. He also spent the whole night in pleading to Allah and seeking help from Imam Mahdi (a.t.f.s.), but no result was evident.

On the third night they sent Muhammad Ibn Isa who was a very pious and abstaining person to the desert. The darkness of the night was engulfing. Barefooted and head uncovered he sought help from Imam Mahdi (a.t.f.s.). Towards the last part of the night he heard a voice saying: “O Muhammad ibn Isa! Why are you in this desert at this time”.

Muhammad ibn Isa said: “Please leave me alone. I have come here for an important task which I shall not mention to anyone except my master Imam Mahdi (a.t.f.s.). I shall place the problem before him who shall help me”. The person said: “O Muhammad ibn Isa, I am your Imam”.

Muhammad ibn Isa said: “If you are Imam Mahdi (a.t.f.s.) then you are well aware about my problem. He said: “Yes, you are right, you have left your house because your ruler has threatened you.”

Muhammad ibn Isa says that on hearing this I turned towards the direction of the voice and said: “O my master, you know the problem we are involved in, you are our helper and refuge and you have the power to solve this problem.”

He said:

“O Muhammad ibn Isa, in the house of the governor there is a pomegranate tree. When new fruits grow on the tree the minister makes a pomegranate from soil and wrote the said text on it and put it on one of the pomegranates. The pomegranate started growing this dye and the said text was inscribed on it.”

When you go to the governor tomorrow tell him that you have the answer but will mention only at the home of the minister. The governor shall accompany you to the minister’s house. When you enter the house go to the room on the right. Tell the governor that you wish to enter the room. The minister shall refuse but you remain firm on this and make sure that he does not enter the room alone. When you enter the room you will find a white bag in a box. Take that bag; it contains the dye, which the minister used. Put the pomegranate in the dye and show it to the ruler.

O Muhammad ibn Isa also inform the ruler about our second miracle. The miracle is that the pomegranate contains nothing but dust and smoke. Ask the minister to open it. The dust and the smoke shall gather on his beard.

After these instructions from Imam Mahdi (a.t.f.s.) Muhammad ibn Isa was very happy. He kissed the place near the feet of Imam Mahdi (a.t.f.s.) and went to the city happily and informed the people.

The next morning the believers went to the ruler and Muhammad ibn Isa followed all the instructions of the Imam (a.t.f.s.) and the reality became evident for everyone. The governor inquired “Who are your Imams? The believers informed him about all the Imams (a.s.) till Imam Mahdi (a.t.f.s.). On hearing this, the ruler accepted Shiasm. He also accepted the mastership of all the Imams (a.s.) and became a believer. He apologized to the believers of Bahrain and bestowed many gifts on them and sentenced the corrupt minister to death.


Imam Mahdi (a.t.f.s.) solves all problems.

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