Lesson 8: Imam Mahdi (a.t.f.s.) helps a lost pilgrim find the way

Incidents of Meetings with Imam Mahdi (a.t.f.s.)

Mullah Mohammed Taqi Majlisi (r.a.) who was the father of Allamah Muhammad Baqir Majlisi (r.a) narrates that he knew a very pious person in his time who used to go to Hajj every year. It was famous that he knew Tayyul Arz. Coincidentally he visited Isfahan. I met him and asked him about his ability, to do Tayyul Arz.

On hearing this he laughed and said: “The truth is only that once I was traveling for hajj when my caravan reached the place which was 5 stations away from Holy Makkah. I was left behind the caravan. The traces of caravan too were not visible and I had lost my way. In a state of extreme helplessness I was struck with thirst and was about to die, in that condition I beseeched Imam Mahdi (a.t.f.s) by the words:

یا اَبا صالِح یا اَبا صالِح

“O Allah! Bestow Your Mercy on me and show me the way and deliver me from this problem”.

No sooner did my prayer finish, I saw a person coming towards me. When he came near me I found him to be a righteous and pure youth with handsome face, wheatish complexion and signs of nobility were

evident in him. He was riding a beautiful camel and was carrying a jug in his hand. On seeing him I saluted him. He returned my salutations and said: “Are you thirsty?” I said, “Yes! I am very thirsty”. He handed over the jug to me and I drank water from the jug. He then asked me: “Do you want to unite with your caravan?” I replied, “Yes”. On hearing this he made his camel kneel down, sat on it and also made me sit on it and proceeded towards holy Makkah.

It was my practice to recite Hirz-e-Yamani every day. When I started reciting it he listened carefully and corrected me at some places. He asked me after sometime: “Do you recognize this place?” I saw the place and realized that we have reached a place called ‘Atbaj’ in Makkah. He asked me to dismount the camel. As soon as I dismounted from the camel and looked back I found that he had disappeared with his camel. I realized that he was none other than our Imam Mahdi (a.t.f.s). I was grieved at separating from him and not recognizing him. My caravan entered Mecca after me. They were very happy to see me alive. Since I reached very early they started believing that I know Tayyul Arz.


1) In our difficulties we should ask Imam (a.t.f.s.) to help us.

2) Imam (a.t.f.s.) helps his followers.

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