Incidents of Meetings with Imam Mahdi (a.t.f.s.)
Mullah Mohammed Taqi Majlisi (r.a.) who was the father of Allamah Muhammad Baqir Majlisi (r.a) narrates that he knew a very pious person in his time who used to go to Hajj every year. It was famous that he knew Tayyul Arz. Coincidentally he visited Isfahan. I met him and asked him about his ability, to do Tayyul Arz.
On hearing this he laughed and said: “The truth is only that once I was traveling for hajj when my caravan reached the place which was 5 stations away from Holy Makkah. I was left behind the caravan. The traces of caravan too were not visible and I had lost my way. In a state of extreme helplessness I was struck with thirst and was about to die, in that condition I beseeched Imam Mahdi (a.t.f.s) by the words:
یا اَبا صالِح یا اَبا صالِح
“O Allah! Bestow Your Mercy on me and show me the way and deliver me from this problem”.
No sooner did my prayer finish, I saw a person coming towards me. When he came near me I found him to be a righteous and pure youth with handsome face, wheatish complexion and signs of nobility were
evident in him. He was riding a beautiful camel and was carrying a jug in his hand. On seeing him I saluted him. He returned my salutations and said: “Are you thirsty?” I said, “Yes! I am very thirsty”. He handed over the jug to me and I drank water from the jug. He then asked me: “Do you want to unite with your caravan?” I replied, “Yes”. On hearing this he made his camel kneel down, sat on it and also made me sit on it and proceeded towards holy Makkah.
It was my practice to recite Hirz-e-Yamani every day. When I started reciting it he listened carefully and corrected me at some places. He asked me after sometime: “Do you recognize this place?” I saw the place and realized that we have reached a place called ‘Atbaj’ in Makkah. He asked me to dismount the camel. As soon as I dismounted from the camel and looked back I found that he had disappeared with his camel. I realized that he was none other than our Imam Mahdi (a.t.f.s). I was grieved at separating from him and not recognizing him. My caravan entered Mecca after me. They were very happy to see me alive. Since I reached very early they started believing that I know Tayyul Arz.
1) In our difficulties we should ask Imam (a.t.f.s.) to help us.
2) Imam (a.t.f.s.) helps his followers.
Next: Imam Mahdi (a.t.f.s) helps a lover of Ahlebait (a.s)
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